The Wildest Dreams Do Come True
It was another beautiful bluebird day in sunny Durango, CO, and Heather Freeman, a local intuitive abstract artist, was all smiles in the Smiley Building as I met her in her painting studio in the Smiley Building’s newest addition and artist workspace, the ArtRoom. We made our way to a leather couch tucked upstairs above the Smiley Cafe, chatting like old friends and settling in easily to a heartfelt space. Heather shared herself openly and vivaciously as I peppered her with many questions about her creative process and inspirations.
Although I remember her words sharply, a necessary skill honed by any writer, in my review of my notes from that day’s interview, the details that speak of her spirit stand out most poignantly to me. I recall the black paint on the fingers of her dominant hand, her playful smile when she revealed she often likes to finger paint in addition to using a variety of other unconventional and inventive tools on canvas. I remember the way her eyes welled up when she revealed her mission to inspire joy in people’s lives, especially as society as a whole handles bleaker days. And the genuineness in seeing that she has actualized her dreams. I teared up with her, moved by the earnestness and passion for her pursuit to enliven people’s lives through her lively and textured paintings. She embodies the spirit of her artworks; joy and vibrancy shake out through the layers and encompass the viewer. Her smile radiates those same feelings.
The journey to becoming an artist was a very roundabout one for Heather. As a former public health worker on the East Coast, she always felt a pull towards something else, like she wasn’t yet aligned with her personal mission. Once she had her first daughter, her world unfurled and she was provided the opportunity to reexamine everything and reconnect to parts of herself. Eventually, her inner artist led her to found a summer school program for her daughter and her friends. The mission was to empower and strengthen the young girls as they embraced their womanhood, and a huge tool for that was creative expression. The experience from these camps over the years would eventually found the premise for the workshops she leads for beginner artists. Heather helps people tap into their inner child, giving them a voice and reminding them of their innate playfulness. She helps others unlock the truth that we’re all creative and artistic and capable of making beautiful, moving pieces of art.
Freeman’s artistic process is best described as intuitive. It requires a depth of presence and intention as she embraces all parts of the creative process fully. Heather approaches her inner critic that often pops up as she puts layer upon layer on the canvas with a strength of mind most akin to radical acceptance. The inner critic, who we all know too well, pops up as she puts layer upon layer with threatening thoughts of how the piece isn’t turning out the way she hoped or it’s too messy or this or that. She never lets this voice outshine her deep well of patience, playfulness, and dedication to expression. Instead she pushes deeper, puts on pop music by powerhouse women like Alicia keys or Katy Perry and just keeps painting.
Freeman’s works are a testament to the human condition. We’re messy, occasionally overwhelmed, and oftentimes unappealing to look at in our darkest moments. And that’s okay. It’s part of the process of life. It’s part of the process in achieving our wildest dreams. Freeman returns to the mindset that it doesn’t matter what it looks like - what we look like. Imperfection doesn’t exist in art. It’s a necessary part of the overall painting, because as the painting grows and transforms and layers and textures get added day by day, what we ultimately find is incredible beauty.
What’s it like having a studio in the ArtRoom?
It’s a very collaborative space. People meander through all the time, sometimes locals, sometimes visitors. Often people want to engage and ask about your art or watch as you create something. The ArtRoom, just like Butterfly Artist Collective, is in its infancy, and it’s a really exciting time to be a part of this community. We’re just in the beginning stages of thinking about how we see ourselves in this building and in the greater community.
What are you some of your goals?
I want to keep experiencing so much joy from making colorful joyful art, and I want share that joy in other people’s homes. I want to make the world more colorful and make it easier for people to be happy.
What’s your beverage of choice while you’re creating?
I’m usually painting in the morning or in the afternoon, and I’ll have a cup of tea then.
Do you listen to music or audiobooks when you create? If so, what do you listen to?
I love to listen to music, especially if I need to get into the groove or give myself an extra oomph. Girl power music like Alicia Keys. Also, Katy Perry.
Who or what are your biggest creative influences?
I find inspiration in life in general. The little things that bring me joy and every day simple, beautiful moments with my family or on the trail walking over to the studio. Also, my husband really gave me the kick in the pants to sign up for this studio back in the fall. I was one of the last people to secure a studio space, and I really needed that encouragement. It’s such a big step to have a space where I come to create, and it’s really built my self confidence as an artist. You really need people who can see your blindspots, and he was such a big motivator.
What is your most important artist tool?
I play with a lot of different tools… rollers, scraping tools, different parts of my hand, tip of a paintbrush to scrape. Really, lots of finger painting.
B: What’s your favorite piece of artwork that you’ve created?
The Wildest Dream is my favorite artwork, and it’s one I just recently painted for the Grand Opening of the ArtRoom. One morning after the Grand Opening, a father walked by my studio with his daughter. The daughter just absolutely fell in love with it, and he bought it for her for Christmas. It was the biggest piece that I’ve sold yet, and it was so validating to know that someone would love it as much as I do.
B: What is your Wildest Dream?
H: I’m living it — having this studio here and getting to create art every day. It’s my wildest dream come true.
instagram: @heather.lee.freeman website: